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Peppercorn Pioneer
Peppercorn Pioneer
Sep 02, 2021
In Career Pivot
When you are pondering the decision to make a career change, many thoughts can come to your mind. One day you are excited about starting something new and explore more the potential you have to offer to the world. Another day you may catch yourself thinking it's a foolish idea or too much of a risky move. Why would you do that, right? Anyways, you must step out of your comfort zone if you want to get there, and there are ways to tackle this strategically once you understand how your comfort zone operates. Simply said, your comfort zone is in every routine that you have already mastered, and those are the processes you are familiar with and are fixed in your daily life. Yes, your career is also one! Entering into a new field requires an understanding of new ways of working/thinking, learning about a new industry, or perhaps acquire a brand new skillset. All new routines. This laborious task can become a lonely journey when no one around you can relate to your decision or has taken a similar step. That's why connecting with individuals in the same path is a vital instrument in this process. Being part of a community like can help you stick to your "uncomfortable" program by finding the right accountability partners to support each other in the process. Are you making a career transition? Which routines are not helping you with it?
Peppercorn Pioneer
Peppercorn Pioneer
Aug 10, 2021
In Module 200: Ideal Position
An old colleague of mine once shared that there's nothing more wrong than trying to succeed in the wrong place, and I heartedly agree with him. Trying to constantly accommodate who you are to fit the needs of any environment may look like the best ticket to success (or the obvious thing to do). In the short term, everything can be perfect, but as time passes won't be that much. It's also your job to understand your personality to find the tribe you belong to, not only HRs, and Peppercorn Discovery can help you understand your core beliefs and values so you can do so. Otherwise, you are missing a valuable element of your personality that can change the whole narrative of your career. Your identity is also an asset for anything you are trying to achieve. Your personality may stagnate in one place or propel you in another. Therefore, mastering your values can only make things better for your career and personal growth. Here’s how: It helps you assess each opportunity that comes to you and make better decisions, even faster. You can build stronger connections with the right individuals, not just with everyone only for the sake of networking. Clarity becomes part of your life, making you more productive and focused on your goals (look at Elon Musk and tell me if that's not enough clarity). You develop an unbeatable guiding system, and you'll never feel lost again in your journey or question any of your steps towards your objectives. Living according to your values and beliefs must make your life and career easier to manage and more enjoyable. If this is not where you currently are, perhaps it would be the place to start developing. Have you ever experienced any positives/negatives in your career due to values and beliefs?


Peppercorn Pioneer
Boot Camp Discoverer
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