Tap the Talent your Algorithms are Missing - Harvard Business Review
The article above gives some great insights into what companies can do to embrace "hidden" workers.
However, are you an individual who is one of these "hidden" workers? Need some support on telling your story? Still, trying to figure out What’s Next in your career?
Sign up at www.peppercorn.ai/pdpd to get the guidance and structure to work through the automated hiring platforms and get your story across.
Anita Ganti(She/Her) • Technology Executive, Independent Board member, Audit committee member, Start-up Advisor, and Investor | Ex-TI, Flex, Wipro
While the US workforce saw 20M resignations last year, and as employers scramble to fill open positions, millions of capable candidates - who might have been hired - are not even considered. Why? Because they are being screened out by automated hiring platforms.
If you are a leader or hiring manager, do consider the followed ideas (shared in the linked article). It may help you tap into a valuable talent pool.
1. Change your metrics. Do not focus on short-term measures of hiring success.
2. Rewrite job descriptions by eliminating extraneous skills and skills that can be taught on the job. Stop looking for “that person” who is already doing the same exact job, at a competitor.
3. Understand and embrace the different needs of onboarding “hidden” workers
Tap the Talent your Algorithms are Missing - Harvard Business Review
Based on research “Hidden Workers: Untapped Talent,” by Joseph B. Fuller et al. Harvard Business School and Accenture
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