Republished with permission. Original post on October 23, 2019.
Sumedha Arun - Changing the world each day. Pay it forward.
Talks about #people, #careers, #community, #leadership, and #motivation
How do you evaluate your own worth? You are more than your job!

1. You have a life outside your job. In the millennial era, we spend more than half our day at our jobs and it becomes a significant part of our life. Remember the keyword- part i.e fraction of your life, not all of it.
2. Take out time for things that matter to you and the people you love. There will always be deadlines but it’s important to nurture your relationships and hobbies as much as your careers. Trust me, you will come back energized!
3. Health is wealth! An old Indian saying which holds true to date. No amount of money can bring back life, if it could Steve Jobs would be with us today. My father suffered from a heart attack a few years ago which was a reminder of how important our health is which we often end up neglecting
4. Health isn’t just physical, mental nurturing is equally important as a physical exam. It could mean different things to people and cultures but do take those few moments for yourself.
5. Prevent Burnout. If you see yourself or a peer fatigued, t
ake a pause, breath, evaluate your options. Take some time if you need it, life only happens once and it goes by faster than you can imagine.
Disclaimer- The views expressed here are mine (Sumedha Arun) alone and do not necessarily reflect the views of my current, former, or future employers.
Tell us how you evaluate your own worth to give others some ideas as they move forward in their journey of What's Next!
#careercoach #selfworth #selfawareness #peppercorndiscovery #healthiswealth #health #preventburnout